Day 21, Song 29

Loudon Wainwright III

I Had a Dream [live]

Loudon Wainwright III has released 26 studio albums. His most recent release is Haven't Got the Blues (Yet).

Initially I didn’t want to write a song about Donald Trump but, sometimes, in the course of human events, things get so weird that you can’t look a gift horse in the mouth, especially if the horse has a real mouth on him. In the past, I’ve taken pot shots in song at political figures of fun like Jesse Helms, Newt Gingrich, Bill & Hill, Bush, Cheney, et al., but folks—this is serious. We hold some truths to be self-evident and apparently Mr. Trump does not.


I had a dream I don’t know what it meant But I dreamed Donald Trump was our president And there on election night right by his side His flunky Chris Christie along for the ride But it gets worse just wait there’s more He made Jeff Sessions Secretary of War And just like he promised he built him that wall He blew up Cuba and he carpet bombed Montreal ***** I had a dream I woke up in a cold sweat The Donald was elected in a huge upset He made a bad deal with Putin a secret pact with Assad Told the Pope where to go I swear to God As for the Supreme Court he got to choose He filled the vacancy up with Lyin’ Ted Cruz His face was bright orange and his hair was just weird But we were made great again, embarrassed and feared ***** I had a dream here’s how it went I dreamed that the Trumpster was the president His little finger on the button, he was doin’ his thing Our new national anthem was “my ding-a-ling” We were bought and sold like in Monopoly He had the most hotels in the land of the free Locked up the opposition and the demonstrators too that would be me and it might be you ***** I had a dream I’m not sure what it meant When I dreamed Donald Trump was our president And it wasn’t even close he won it in a landslide Our new hot First Lady she was beaming with pride If you think that’s cool don’t fool yourself He made Ben Carson Secretary of Health And Sarah Palin Secretary of Stealth If you think that’s scary just you wait He made Newt Gingrich the Secretary of State and Rush Limbaugh the Secretary of Hate!! Dreams come true and there’s prophesy And sometimes a nightmare is a reality -- Performed by Loudon Wainwright III. Recorded and mixed by Rusty Smith, at Fur Peace Ranch. Special thanks to Andie Walla. Photo by Hugh Brown.